fredag den 24. februar 2012

Værtsfamilie! :D

Jeg fik min værtsfamilie i går. Det er jo bare fantastisk.
En familie på tre; Mor, far og datter. Lynn, John og Jessica. De bor i Billings, MT (Montana for dem, der ikke kender forkortelsen). Det er, så vidt jeg ved, den største by i hele Montana, eftersom de fleste familier i Montana bor i småbyer rundt omkring i staten.

Og, in case you didn't know, så er det ikke langt fra Yellow Stone National Park (sjovt nok fordi det fylder ret meget af staten). Og fik jeg forresten sagt, at Billings er oppe i bjergene? :)
Det glemte jeg vist.

See you around!

onsdag den 15. februar 2012


Det amerikanske flag. På et kort over U.S.A.
Kan det overhovedet blive mere amerikansk? Nej vel?
Jeg ved ikke helt, hvor det her er, men det er pænt. Og i U.S.A.

tirsdag den 14. februar 2012

Introducing me

Hey and welcome to my blog!

As you can possibly see, this blog is brand new and well, it's going to be used quite a lot doing the next year.

So, shall we begin?
My name's Josephine and I'm a 15 year old girl from a little Scandinavian country called Denmark. In my spare time I run (not much, just some) and do gymnastics once a week for two hours. I like to draw. A lot. Actually, that is something I spend a lot of time doing. Drawing manga (that's what the style is called!).

The reason why I made this blog is that next year this year I'll be going to the U.S.A. to go to a high school somewhere, but I don't know where. Yet! I'll update whenever I know it.

I can't wait! It's going to be totally awesome!

 A picture of me from this summer, where I spend 3 weeks in Torquay, England.